This Wacky Blog

this is actually not a beautiful blog, but then you'll know from this blog, how my personality is :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

This Complicated Life

can you elaborate your complicated life ? do you know the causes of your complicated life ? do you realize when you've been get into that complicated life ? huh, what I asked is what I confuse. I try to answer them by my self. but, what I got is just another confusion.
maybe it's all because my emotional act that trapped me into a very wierd zone. but my stand is,
if life isn't complicated enough, what the taste of that 'life' will be?
so, I try to convince my self that it's not something to complain, but it's not something to let go too. well, err.. in short, I think
make your life complicated, but straight it after you taste it!


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